Google has finally added a very obvious and necessary feature to its note-taking app, Google Keep. With their latest update, you can pin notes in place so that it's not just a random junk drawer of information. It's a feature that pretty much every similar note-taking apps has, so it's about darn time they added it to Keep. Pinning a note, of course, keeps it in place so that you can easily access your most important notes. If you don't want to wait for the update to hit the Play Store, you can manually download it from APK Mirror. [Android Police] In other news, some people are saying that the new MacBooks will have e-ink keyboards. That sounds amazing and potentially terrible if not executed perfectly. Who knows! Meanwhile Apple has just sent invitations to their previously-rumored October 27th event. [Gizmodo] LinkedIn knows that the "endorsements" you receive from professional acquaintances are pretty meaningless and don't really serve a purpose. As such, they're working to improve them. They're going to add better targeting so that the person considering endorsing you will see suggestions actually relevant to the work you did together. [TechCrunch] Netgear has a new router that has native support for Plex. They're touting it as the "world's fastest," and all those fancy features do come at a price: $499. But still, having Plex built into the router itself is pretty cool. [The Verge]
   Remains of the Day: Google Adds Note Pinning to Keep

Google has finally added a very obvious and necessary feature to its note-taking app, Google Keep. With their latest update, you can pin notes in place so that it's not just a random junk drawer of information.
  • It's a feature that pretty much every similar note-taking apps has, so it's about darn time they added it to Keep. Pinning a note, of course, keeps it in place so that you can easily access your most important notes. If you don't want to wait for the update to hit the Play Store, you can manually download it from APK Mirror. [Android Police]
  • In other news, some people are saying that the new MacBooks will have e-ink keyboards. That sounds amazing and potentially terrible if not executed perfectly. Who knows! Meanwhile Apple has just sent invitations to their previously-rumored October 27th event. [Gizmodo]
  • LinkedIn knows that the "endorsements" you receive from professional acquaintances are pretty meaningless and don't really serve a purpose. As such, they're working to improve them. They're going to add better targeting so that the person considering endorsing you will see suggestions actually relevant to the work you did together. [TechCrunch]
  • Netgear has a new router that has native support for Plex. They're touting it as the "world's fastest," and all those fancy features do come at a price: $499. But still, having Plex built into the router itself is pretty cool. [The Verge]

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