India just got one of the best data plans around thanks to newly launched carrier Reliance Jio. The new carrier offers 4G LTE data for just 75 cents/1GB, along with unlimited free voice calls, Mashable reports. Reliance Jio is the latest venture from India’s richest man, Mukesh Ambani, who serves as chairman of the country’s second most valuable company, Reliance Industries Limited. He says his goal is to bring fast service to the entire population and put an end to paid voice calls, which still provide most of the revenue for India’s current leading carriers. “India and Indians cannot afford to be left behind,” Ambani said. “The era of paying for voice calls is ending.” Jio is set to launch on September 5 in what the company is calling the world’s biggest LTE rollout ever. Ambani added that the new network is future-proofed to support 5GB and even 6GB data speeds when they arrive. It will be available 18,000 cities and 200,000 remote areas around the country, with plans to cover 90 percent of residents in 2017. Reliance says it plans to make money by selling additional subscriptions offering on-demand movies, music and live TV, along with a mobile wallet app and extra security features. As an added launch bonus, anyone who signs up this year in India will receive all those services for free until December 31.

India just got one of the best data plans around thanks to newly launched carrier Reliance Jio. The new carrier offers 4G LTE data for just 75 cents/1GB, along with unlimited free voice calls, Mashable reports.
Reliance Jio is the latest venture from India’s richest man, Mukesh Ambani, who serves as chairman of the country’s second most valuable company, Reliance Industries Limited. He says his goal is to bring fast service to the entire population and put an end to paid voice calls, which still provide most of the revenue for India’s current leading carriers.
“India and Indians cannot afford to be left behind,” Ambani said. “The era of paying for voice calls is ending.”
Jio is set to launch on September 5 in what the company is calling the world’s biggest LTE rollout ever. Ambani added that the new network is future-proofed to support 5GB and even 6GB data speeds when they arrive. It will be available 18,000 cities and 200,000 remote areas around the country, with plans to cover 90 percent of residents in 2017.
Reliance says it plans to make money by selling additional subscriptions offering on-demand movies, music and live TV, along with a mobile wallet app and extra security features. As an added launch bonus, anyone who signs up this year in India will receive all those services for free until December 31.

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