1. I've got an iPhone 5s. I only got it a year ago and it's fine

Apple iPhone 5S

Chances are, if you got your iPhone 5s when it came out, you're still way within your contract. Phone contracts are costly to buy out of, and networks don't make the kind of profit on an iPhone that they do on other handsets, so they're loathe to let you go.
And in any case, we've not reached the stage where the performance boost will be noticable. Give it a year and they'll bring out an iPhone 6S.

2. My thumbs don't stretch that far and my pockets aren't wide enough

   iPhone6 launch
That's no moon...": The iPhone 6 Plus is comically huge
The whole big screen phone thing is bizarre. Smartphones are supposedly designed to be used with one hand - so you can drink a coffee, hold onto a tube handle or bus rail, or do whatever else it is you do with your other hand while you're on the phone.
The 4.7" screen of the iPhone 6 is longer than the average human thumb, making it impossible to use one-handed. If you have to introduce a feature which moves the whole screen down a bit so you can reach the stuff at the top - which Apple has - you're doing it wrong.
Also, the plainly ludicrous 5.5" screen of the iPhone 6 Plus makes it bigger than most trouser pockets. And if you end up specially buying jeans with big pockets that you can fit your phone in, you probably need to rethink some life choices.

3. Android phones have had most of the new features forever

Samsung Galaxy S5

he Samsung Galaxy S5. Does loads of st
This is the argument that's been most prevalent online since the launch on Tuesday. Bigger screens have been a staple of Android and Windows Phones for ages. It's nothing to get excited about.The camera's only got an 8MP sensor, which has already been far surpassed by the 13MP+ sensors available on comparable Samsung and HTC handsets. Nokia's Lumia 1020 even has a 41MP camera. And there's no 4K video recording on offer - unforgivable on a flagship smartphone.And before you even mention Apple Pay, don't. It's not out over here, probably won't be for ages, and do we really think the take-up will be better than Google Wallet? You'll still be carrying a wallet around for a while yet.

4. Battery life

Phil Schiller, senior vice president of worldwide marketing at Apple Inc., talks about battery life of the iPhone 5
iPhones have taught us to accept terrible battery life. You'll be lucky if you get a day of normal use out of the 5s, and while the 6 claims an improvement, it's doubtful it'll be all that noticable.
Sony's Xperia z3 boasts a battery that'll last two days, or so they claim. Surely Apple can do better than that.

5. It's really, really expensive

We don't know how much the networks are going to charge for the iPhone 6 on contract yet, but it's unlikely to be much less than rs:67,000  on a two year contract.
And if you want to buy it outright, it'll set you back rs:67,000.
Let's take a look at what you could buy for rs:67,000 instead.

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