Data specialist Mark Rittman wanted to make tea around 9:00AM, but found himself in an eleven hour saga trying to get his wi-fi tea kettle to work. He documented his struggle on a website that's also struggling, a social network called While Rittman did acquiesce to boiling his water the old-fashioned way-in a "saucepan"-his struggle with his wi-fi kettle continued well into the day. Rittman literally had to hack his kettle in order for the water to get boiled... 11 hours later. What's the lesson here? Never give up. JK, the lesson is fuck the internet of things. Go analog, baby. source:[The Guardian]

Data specialist Mark Rittman wanted to make tea around 9:00AM, but found himself in an eleven hour saga trying to get his wi-fi tea kettle to work. He documented his struggle on a website that's also struggling, a social network called

While Rittman did acquiesce to boiling his water the old-fashioned way-in a "saucepan"-his struggle with his wi-fi kettle continued well into the day.

Rittman literally had to hack his kettle in order for the water to get boiled... 11 hours later.

What's the lesson here? Never give up. JK, the lesson is fuck the internet of things. Go analog, baby.
source:[The Guardian]


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