Samsung has imploded with the pressure of outdoing the iPhone in terms of innovation with the Galaxy Note 7. With batteries catching fire for users across the world, the Note 7 is a disastrous failure for the company that has striven to bring in cutting-edge features in every new iteration of their flagship phones. Bloomberg reports that it was the news of a 'dull' iPhone coming out this year that made the top-level managers of Samsung to release the Galaxy Note 7 earlier than usual. Samsung got wind that the upcoming Apple device would similar to the previous two models and Samsung decided to take advantage of this fact. Samsung built its reputation on making high-quality products putting in the best available technology and became the largest phone maker in the world, giving healthy competition to Apple in terms of innovation. But all that changed with the explosive Galaxy Note 7.
   How Samsung screwed up the Galaxy Note 7's battery

Samsung has imploded with the pressure of outdoing the iPhone in terms of innovation with the Galaxy Note 7. With batteries catching fire for users across the world, the Note 7 is a disastrous failure for the company that has striven to bring in cutting-edge features in every new iteration of their flagship phones.

Bloomberg reports that it was the news of a 'dull' iPhone coming out this year that made the top-level managers of Samsung to release the Galaxy Note 7 earlier than usual. Samsung got wind that the upcoming Apple device would similar to the previous two models and Samsung decided to take advantage of this fact.

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