Old Nokia phones will take a bullet for you. That's a well documented fact, we are not kidding because that has happened in the past. Proving the long-standing urban myth that Nokia phones are sturdy enough to stop a bullet, a man's life in Afganistan was saved when a bullet got lodged in his Nokia phone. A general manager at Microsoft, Peter Skillman tweeted, "A Nokia phone I worked on a few years ago saved the life of a man in Afganistan last week." Skillman was earlier a design executive at Nokia, which Microsoft acquired in 2014. However, details of who was saved and under what circumstances is sketchy. According to the The Telegraph, the phone that took the bullet is a Nokia 301, which came out in 2013. Also, this isn't the first time that a phone stopped a bullet. A Lumia 520 had achieved the feat by stopping a bullet from a policeman from hitting a Brazilian in 2014. An HTC Evo 3D also saved a gas station clerk in Florida in 2013. source: ndtv news

Old Nokia phones will take a bullet for you. That's a well documented fact, we are not kidding because that has happened in the past. Proving the long-standing urban myth that Nokia phones are sturdy enough to stop a bullet, a man's life in Afganistan was saved when a bullet got lodged in his Nokia phone.

A general manager at Microsoft, Peter Skillman tweeted, "A Nokia phone I worked on a few years ago saved the life of a man in Afganistan last week." Skillman was earlier a design executive at Nokia, which Microsoft acquired in 2014.

However, details of who was saved and under what circumstances is sketchy. According to the The Telegraph, the phone that took the bullet is a Nokia 301, which came out in 2013.

Also, this isn't the first time that a phone stopped a bullet. A Lumia 520 had achieved the feat by stopping a bullet from a policeman from hitting a Brazilian in 2014. An HTC Evo 3D also saved a gas station clerk in Florida in 2013.

source: ndtv news

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