Along with the IPHONE 7 MODELS, Apple also pulled the wraps off its next Watch iteration – Watch 2. The Watch 2, didn’t really create a buzz on its launch. Not only because the iPhone 7 remained the focus, there’s weren’t any out-of-the box features like the promised cellular connectivity. It did boast of ceramic model and some fine features. As the initial reviews of the Apple Watch 2 are out, here’s a quick review up to find out how it fares.
The Watch Series 2 comes with an almost identical design as its predecessor. In fact, it comes in the same two sizes – 38mm and 42mm. A rectangular display and the noted crown control. The company has put forth a new ceramic model, with a glossy white finish. This one is more affordable (between ) than the gold Apple Watch that cost about Rs 8.6 lakh. Hermes models bring new straps and watch faces. All are expected to get Nike watch app soon.
However, it’s the internals that have got a bump. For instance, the processor is upgraded for faster and efficient service. “Load times are nowhere near as long as they were on the first Apple Watch, and the days of the screen going blank before the app had even loaded are now a thing of the past,” writes Pocket-Lint’s Stuart Mile.
A notable change has been a brighter screen. Most reviews point at a brighter and much better display. “The screen is noticeably brighter now, making text, especially on activity summary screens, much easier to read,” points out Techcrunch’s Matthew Panzarin.
However, it’s the fitness aspect that takes away the brownie points. Most critics find significant improvement in the Watch 2 when it comes to fitness tracking. “The Apple Watch is now both more and less of the things it was trying to be. The addition of GPS and better water resistance make it more of a fitness tracker. The new, distilled software means it doesn’t have ambitions of acting like a “smartphone replacement,” and instead it feels more like a useful accessory,” explains TheVerge’s Lauren Goode.
“But beyond health and fitness, the question of whether to get an Apple Watch comes down, more than ever, to the question of which ecosystem you want to live in. Unlike many other wearables, even ones that run Google’s platform, when you buy an Apple Watch you’re buying into Apple products in general. Together, the iPhone plus Apple Watch plus AirPods work well. Only one of them works well alone, and it’s not the Watch,” Goode further adds.
“The Pool Swim workout allows you to set a pool length distance before starting so you can track your lengths. The distance is tracked by your stroke movement with the Watch using the in-built accelerometer to determine when you’ve made a turn. Very clever. Swim 1,500m and you don’t have to remember whether the last pool length was 55 or 57 strokes. We like that a lot,” adds Pocket-Lint.
Joanna Stern of WSJ writes, “If you bought an Apple Watch last year, I feel bad for you. Not because you’ll miss out on the new watch’s GPS or waterproofing, but because on the old one, it often feels like it takes less time to play a round of Monopoly than to launch an app. The new dual-core processor combined with the new WatchOS 3 operating system is a huge improvement.”
On the other hand, talking about the Watchos 3, DaringFireBall’s John Gruber said, “WatchOS was way too slow. At the time, it could have been argued that the Apple Watch hardware was too slow, but with the eye-opening performance improvements in WatchOS 3, we now know it was the software. This further convoluted the user interface, because Glances existed solely because apps were so slow to launch. Glances didn’t actually solve this problem, though, because Glances were so infrequently refreshed with up-to-date data.”
Siri adds to the hand-free experience, making it more convenient. And, it does that well. “TheApple Watch and its always-on Siri connection (just say “Hey, Siri”) is really good. I forgot about Siri for the first couple of days, and then walked home in the rain with an umbrella in one hand. The Apple Watch listened, it called people, it set alarms. When I drive, I use it to call up music on my car’s speakers via my linked-up phone,” explains Cnet’s Scott Stein.
“If you’re considering the Apple Watch as a fitness tracker, it’s actually fairly easy to go down the line and answer a series of questions. If you already have an iPhone, really want GPS and waterproofing, like the app notifications, don’t care about having to charge it every day, and have at least $369 dollars to spend, then go for it. Athletes who want a tri-sport mode, a completely visible display, and hours and hours of GPS-equipped battery life will want to look elsewhere. In terms of fitness tracking, it’s still a big step up from the first generation,” concludes TheVerge.
“I think WatchOS 3 and Apple Watch Series 2 are a very simple story. Apple Watch had clear strengths but equally clear weaknesses. Apple identified what was flawed and went back to the drawing board. They identified what people liked best — health and fitness tracking — and made them even better,” concludes DaringFireBall in its review.
The Apple Watch Series 2 seems to be getting mixed reviews, but definitely gets a thumbs up as a fitness tracker.
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