Most of us Don't give Time for Books, we don't allocate. what should we need to do now?..

How can you improve your Literature, because not Everyone wants to read books then get Cozy for Linus

About Cozy:

Cozy is built by Julion Gegwitz a German Programmer, It is being built using Python and GTK+3. It is very easy for you to Sort your Audio books by Title, Author, and Reader.

You can even Search through it.......

Features Offered by Cozy:

  • You can Sort all your Audio Books based on Title,Reader,Author
  • It Controls your Play back Speed
  • Drag and Drop to import a New Audio Book
  • Support for DRM free MP3, M4a (aac,aca) flac, ogg, wav files
  • Mpris integration (Meida Keys and Playback info for this Desktop Environment
  • Development on Fedora and tested on Elementary OS
  • Set your Sleeper Before going to Bed
  • Import all your Audiobooks into cozy to brow them comfortably

When I opened Cozy and Started Listening to my Favorite Audio books ,That Moment I came to Know that i could not able to edit info on my  Audio books with ease 

it was quite Disappointing , we could change but it was bit harder

Steps to install Cozy on Linux:

Cozy is being given for almost fine distros you have options....

(Ubuntu, Debian, Open SUSE, Fedora)

Install using flatpak:

flatpak remote-add --use
flatpak install --user f

Installing Cozy on elementary OS:

you can download and install From App Store

Installing Cozy on Arch Linux:

You can Search from you Arch Repository and install it 

It's time to get Some free Audio books:

  1. Librivox
  2. Lit2go
  3. Loyal Books
  4. Mind Webs
  5. Open Culture
  6. Overdrive
  7. Podio Books
  8. Project Gutenberg
  9. Spotify
  10. Story wory
  11. Librivox
  12. Sync 

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