Image result for call of duty infinite warfare 4k Infinite Warfare lets players fight in many different environments Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare fans who bought the game via the Windows store will hit problems if they try to play with friends who got it elsewhere. Activision has confirmed that the game can only be played against those who also bought a Windows 10 version from the store. It is not possible to play against anyone with the Xbox version or who bought it via Valve's Steam service. The multiplayer restriction also applies to Modern Warfare Remastered. 'Hopping mad' "You can only play these titles with other users of Windows 10 on Windows Store," said Activision in an explanatory note posted to its support pages. The restriction came to light on launch day for Infinite Warfare - the latest instalment in the hugely popular CoD franchise. The limit on multiplayer gaming is a blow to Microsoft's "cross-play" strategy which aimed to remove some of the barriers between gamers who play on different devices. In a statement sent to tech news site Windows Central, Microsoft said: "We support cross-play between devices and platforms for partners who want to enable it." The Windows store-bought version of CoD is also not part of Microsoft's "Play Anywhere" system that lets those who buy a Windows 10 or Xbox copy of a game have a free copy for the other platform. Hayden Dingman, games reporter for PC World, called the constraint "ridiculous" and advised people to avoid the Windows store if they planned to venture into multiplayer games on Infinite Warfare. Brittany Vincent on gaming news site Rock, Paper, Shotgun said the restriction would leave some people "hopping mad". "This probably isn't the greatest development that could have happened right around launch day, is it?," she said.
Image result for call of duty infinite warfare 4k
Infinite Warfare lets players fight in many different environments

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare fans who bought the game via the Windows store will hit problems if they try to play with friends who got it elsewhere.
Activision has confirmed that the game can only be played against those who also bought a Windows 10 version from the store.
It is not possible to play against anyone with the Xbox version or who bought it via Valve's Steam service.
The multiplayer restriction also applies to Modern Warfare Remastered.

'Hopping mad'

"You can only play these titles with other users of Windows 10 on Windows Store," said Activision in an explanatory note posted to its support pages.
The restriction came to light on launch day for Infinite Warfare - the latest instalment in the hugely popular CoD franchise.
The limit on multiplayer gaming is a blow to Microsoft's "cross-play" strategy which aimed to remove some of the barriers between gamers who play on different devices.
In a statement sent to tech news site Windows Central, Microsoft said: "We support cross-play between devices and platforms for partners who want to enable it."
The Windows store-bought version of CoD is also not part of Microsoft's "Play Anywhere" system that lets those who buy a Windows 10 or Xbox copy of a game have a free copy for the other platform.
Hayden Dingman, games reporter for PC World, called the constraint "ridiculous" and advised people to avoid the Windows store if they planned to venture into multiplayer games on Infinite Warfare.
Brittany Vincent on gaming news site Rock, Paper, Shotgun said the restriction would leave some people "hopping mad".
"This probably isn't the greatest development that could have happened right around launch day, is it?," she said.

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